We leaked the upcoming IPCC WGIII report.
On August 2021, Scientist Rebellion united in action and leaked the IPCC WGII report to shine a spotlight on the climate emergency the world is facing.
Why we did it:
There’s no time to wait around. There’s no time for continued inaction – the people deserve to know NOW what our corporate-owned politicians have done to them.
The greatest crime ever has already been carried out – the perpetrators are still at liberty, but the victims are starting to pile up.
We leaked the report because governments – pressured and bribed by fossil fuel and other industries, protecting their failed ideology and avoiding accountability – have edited the conclusions before official reports were released in the past. We leaked it to show that scientists are willing to disobey and take personal risk to inform the public.
What the report calls attention to:
The report explicitly states that incremental change is not a viable option. It states that individual behavioural changes alone are insignificant. It states that justice, equity, and redistribution are essential to climate policy.
It says that we need massive investment – to transform energy systems, transport, industry, land use, agriculture, and housing, and to prepare for the accelerating effects of climate breakdown – not the death cult of conservative economics.
It shows that we must abandon economic growth, which is the basis of capitalism.
The importance of this action:
For thousands of scientists – mostly older, privileged, moderate – to agree on something so apparently radical demonstrates the severity of the present moment. But the real radicals are in power. They will plunder the Earth until it is but fire and ash, unless we stop them.
We plead with people to go into serious nonviolent resistance. To join us in the streets to apply unbearable pressure on this genocidal system – to take it down before it takes us all down with it.
The leaked documents (Summary for Policymakers and Chapter 1) can be found HERE.
And yes, the report was watered down:
"Mitigation and development goals cannot be met through incremental change"
"Transition pathways entail distributional consequences such as changes in employment and economic structure"
"Equity and justice are important enabling conditions for effective climate mitigation. Institutions and governance that address equity and supporting narratives that promote just transitions can build broader support for climate policymaking"
"Individuals can contribute to overcoming barriers and enable climate change mitigation. Individual behavioural change in isolation cannot reduce GHG emissions significantly"
"If 10-30% of the population were to demonstrate commitment to low-carbon technologies, behaviours and lifestyles, new social norms would be established"
"Collective action through formal social movements and informal lifestyle movements expands the potential for climate policy and supports system change"
"Estimates of committed CO2 emissions from current fossil energy infrastructure are 658 GtCO2 […] nearly double the remaining carbon budget"
"Delayed action increases challenges to both economic and societal feasibility after 2030"
In the News
- Greenhouse gas emissions must peak within 4 years, says leaked UN report – Guardian
- Leaked Draft IPCC Report Warns Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Must Peak in Four Years – Earth.org
- El IPCC considera que el decrecimiento es clave para mitigar el cambio climático – ctxt
- Leaked report of the IPCC reveals that the growth model of capitalism is unsustainable | MR Online
- The richest ten percent cause more than a third of greenhouse gases – Spiegel
- Greenhouse emissions must peak by 2025: Leaked report – Hindustan Times
- Fearing Govt Whitewash, Scientists Leak Draft Part Three of IPCC Report – The Wire